Color Persuasion: The Science of using Color to Persuade and Influence Purchasing Decisions (Dynamic Media Series Book 2)
Which Colors will Increase Sales in Your Market?
This research is focused on one thing only. How to maximize your sales and conversions online with the use of color. As a designer, product creator, webmaster, marketer, or advertiser, you need to answer these questions:
1) What colors will the customer respond to?
2) What colors should represent the brand?
3) What colors are best for the logo & packaging?
4) How will color affect the emotion of my customers?
5) How does color influence their purchasing decisions?
6) What colors will improve my conversion rates?
The only way you can answer these questions is by testing. Why? Because if you’re selling without testing, you’re only guessing. If you’re guessing instead of testing, you’re losing money.
As the old saying goes, “Mighty doors swing on tiny hinges.†It’s the same thing with color.
Simple changes like color, can lead to big changes in sales and conversion rates. That's because every time you pick one, you’re also choosing several hidden meanings and messages.
In this book, I share what I discovered, after hundreds of hours of research and testing. I'll reveal what each color means. The psychological impact that it has on the mind of consumers. And it’s ability to persuade and influence our purchasing decisions.
About the Author:Michael W. Campbell is a marketing consultant, internet pioneer, entrepreneur, CEO, and author of several internet marketing books. His advice has helped thousands of people like you advertise, promote and build their business, get more sales, produce more product and achieve higher profits.
If you need internet marketing advice, or help picking your colors, he is available for consultation.