A History and Guide to Civil War Shepherdstown: Victory and Defeat in West Virginia s Oldest Town
A History and Guide to Civil War Shepherdstown: Victory and Defeat in West Virginia s Oldest Town by Nicholas A. Redding, soft cover, 144 pages, 62 photos, maps and illustrations. The fine water, magnificent scenery, delightful climate, the courteous and social manners of the people, the old Virginia mode of serving up meals, the quiet, quaint old-fashioned appearance of the town make it one of the most desirable summer resorts in this country. It is easily reached by rail, but difficult to get away from not for want of conveyances but on account of its spell that binds even a traveler to the place. Shepherdstown Register, 1867. Shepherdstown s quaint charm has drawn visitors to its tree-lined streets for hundreds of years. The town has in fact, been on the map for most of American history. Yet, without a proper guide, the complex story of this place can be difficult to comprehend. This publication helps fill that void. This volume is intended for use as both a reference to Shepherdstown s Civil War history and as a handheld guide for those setting out to tour the town in person. The book includes a 9-Stop Self Guided Walking Tour; information for visiting Elmwood Cemetery; and a 3-Stop Battle of Shepherdstown Driving Tour with GPS coordinates. Sidebars with unique Shepherdstown information and stories are interspersed throughout the book.