iBaby Monitor M3s Wireless Digital Baby Monitor with 360 Rotation, Night Vision and Two-way Speakers for iPhone and Android
At home and on the road, you are now just one finger swipe away from your baby. Introducing the iBaby Monitor M3s: an intelligent baby monitor that puts you at the center of your baby€s tiny universe. Designed to bring comfort and convenience to busy parents like yourself, the iBaby Monitor M3s enables you to track your baby€s every movement and shares every precious moment with your loved ones directly from your iOS or Android devices.
With the iBaby Monitor M3s, you are in complete control of what you want to see. Just swipe your finger in any direction on your smartphone or tablet screen, and your iBaby Monitor M3s will let you effortlessly follow your baby€s every move. Gone is the frustrating moment when you discover your camera has been accidentally bumped out of view. You will love that you no longer need to have someone physically reposition your video monitor for you while you're away. Imagine: you don't need to call someone at home to check in. Now, your iBaby Monitor M3s gives you complete control and total freedom!
Say €œSayonara€ to a fitful night€s sleep. With your iBaby Monitor M3s in place, you don€t need to constantly wake yourself up in the middle of the night to check on your baby€s sleeping status. Since the iBaby Monitor M3s comes equipped with night vision LED lights and motion and sound sensors, you can now see a clear image of your little baby from the comfort of your bed. No squinting. No snowy distorted image. A perfect night vision image of your infant with full sound capability to notify you easily if your baby needs you in the nursery.
With the built-in, sensitive microphone and speaker, iBaby Monitor M3s allows you to communicate with your baby as if you were right next to her. It€s more than a visual experience. Now you can hear your baby€s laughter. Want to help with bedtime when you€re away? Read her a bedtime story. The best part? You can fall asleep to the sound of her gentle breathing at night.
With the integrated sharing feature, it€s never been easier to capture a still shot of your adorable little one. Effortlessly take a picture of that precious face, add any number of special effects, and share every moment with all of your family and friends on your favorite social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter with a tap of your finger €“ all from your iOS or Android devices!
Product Features | ![]() iBaby Monitor M3 | ![]() iBaby Monitor M3s | ![]() iBaby Monitor M2 |
Viewing Over Wi-Fi, 3G/4G LTE Cellular Network | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ |
Motion and Sound Alert Notifications | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ |
Night Vision | œ“ | œ“ | œ“ |
Remote Camera Control | œ“ | œ“ | |
Unlimited Users with Up to 4 Simultaneous Viewing | œ“ | œ“ | |
One-Step Installation | œ“ | œ“ | |
Photo Capturing, Editing, and Social Sharing | œ“ | œ“ | |
Built-in Rechargeable Battery | œ“ |