grydscaen : war volume 2
Lino gets some shocking news when a journalist announces on the
newsfeed that he will be mate paired to the Emperor€s son, Gloughster
Illian. Upset by the news, Lino has to take it in stride, he can not go against
the wishes of the Viceroy and the Emperor of the Pacifi c Territories. Just
as he starts to accept the idea, the Atlantea Federation attacks the City
with a deadly fi ghting force of enhanced psychic soldiers called the Jannai.
The Psi Faction€s Trance Channeler is compromised and Gloughster must
make a decision and become the offi cial Trance Channeler to Lino, who
is forced into a new position as the Sub Viceroy. The City becomes a
battlefi eld as a new Atlantea Federation foe emerges, the Trance Channeler
Isk. Along with his Jannai, Isk goes after Lino and Gloughster attacking
the Psi Faction. But an unlikely ally comes to the rescue. Find out the fate
of the City, the Echelons and the Zone in Volume 2 of the grydscaen saga,