eBags Professional Slim Laptop Backpack
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eBags Professional Slim Laptop Backpack

Corporate Casual meets Professional. We've taken a different point of view when it comes to a laptop backpack. Gone are the bungee cords, exterior mesh pockets, carabineer clips, and all of the other outdoorsports bling that has no place in a professional setting.The Professional Slim Laptop Backpack features an all-black dress code that doesn't look out of place in an office setting despite being a backpack. The Heathered Graphite makes a subtle statement.Isolated rapid-access compartments protect your laptop, iPad or tablet, sequester your printed materials, force you to be neat organized by eliminating clutter zones, in a package that defies its published cubic inch capacity. It's like turbo charging a compact car. Buckle up it's going to be a great ride

  • BrandeBags
  • Departmentunisex-adult
  • LabeleBags
  • ManufacturereBags
  • PackageQuantity1
  • ProductGroupApparel
  • ProductTypeNameLUGGAGE
  • PublishereBags
  • StudioeBags
  • TitleeBags Professional Slim Laptop Backpack