Zareba EZEE Portable Battery Powered Equine 900 Square Foot Fence Kit
The Zareba EZEE Corral is a portable electric horse fence designed for anyone who needs a temporary electric fence kit that can be easily transported between locations. Use it to secure horses at shows, wagon trails, polo matches, and any other similar situation. Zareba EZEE Corral horse fencing is powered by four D-cell batteries to deliver an effective shock without requiring a ground rod. Horses will not be harmed, but will quickly learn to avoid the electrified area. The EZEE Corral kit contains enough polytape to create a 900-foot corral.
Set the EZEE Corral up in a flat area that is not obstructed by trees, brush, or other obstacles. The unit will work best and will be easier to install in a square or rectangular configuration. Mount the controller post in a location that is easy to access. When fencing is properly set up, a green LED light on the controller will blink to indicate that the system is operational.
Polytape is a unique wire material found on Zareba portable electric horse fences. Lightweight and easy to wind, it is ideal for temporary applications. Polytape is also brighter and more visible than traditional wire fencing, making it easier for horses to see, which reduces the risk of an accidental shock.