ZDDPPlus ZDDP Engine Oil Additive Zinc + Phosphorous on Orders of 2 or More Bottles
Don't trust your automotive investment to a product with a lesser pedigree. For the last decade, ZDDPlus has been the professional's choice because WE have done the research. We have done the development and WE have been copied over and over again. We are the leading source of technical information on ZDDP - checkout our tech briefs here: and ask yourself the question - can YOU AFFORD to trust your engine with anything less than ZDDPlus ?? The E.P.A. is forcing ZDDP from domestic motor oil. If your engine was designed prior to 1996, your cam and flat lifters require ZDDP engine oil additives in your motor oil to avoid premature deterioration. Don't sacrifice your cam and lifter protection, keep the proper ZDDP level your engine needs, by adding ZDDPlus to your motor oil at every oil change. When a single 4 oz bottle of ZDDPlus is added to a normal 5-quart oil change, you will restore the proper amount of ZDDP that was found in into pre-1996 oils. Using ZDDPlus affords you total control over the characteristics of the oil in the engine by allowing you to use the full 5 quarts of high-grade automotive oil of your choice.