Ten years after its launch in North America, the Yugioh Trading Card Game enters its second decade with a bold march into unexplored territory: the first ever Yu-Gi-Oh TCG product designed specifically for Sealed Pack play! Battle Pack: Epic Dawn is the first Yu-Gi-Oh TCG booster set designed specifically for the ultimate challenge of your skills and abilities: sealed pack play. Sealed pack play is making brand new Decks just from those cards Duelist get in the packs, and start Dueling! After a Duelist is done playing, they are still left with the cards from their packs. So they can add some awesome cards for their regular Deck and collection, like Gem-Knight Pearl, Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon, Tour Guide From the Underworld, Fabled Raven, Doomcaliber Knight, Forbidden Lance, and Backup Warrior. Each Battle Pack Epic Dawn Booster contains 5 cards.