Yu-Gi-Oh! - Dragon's Gunfire (SDDL-EN025) - Structure Deck: Dragunity Legion - 1st Edition - Common
Yu-Gi-Oh! is a strategic trading card game in two players Duel each other using a variety of Monster, Spell, and Trap Cards to defeat their opponent's monsters and be the first to drop the other's Life Points to 0.
Card Name: Dragon's Gunfire
Card Type: Normal Spell
Card Number: SDDL-EN025
Set: Structure Deck: Dragunity Legion
Attribute: Spell
Passcode: 55991637
Card Text: Activate only if you control a face-up Dragon-Type monster. Activate 1 of these effects:
* Inflict 800 Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points.
* Select 1 face-up monster with 800 or less DEF, and destroy it.