YU-GI-OH! - Yu-Jo Friendship (JUMP-EN007) - Shonen Jump Magazine Promos - Promo Edition - Ultra Rare
Yu-Gi-Oh! is a strategic trading card game in which two players Duel each other using a variety of Monster, Spell, and Trap Cards to defeat their opponent's monsters and be the first to drop the other's Life Points to 0.
Card Name: Yu-Jo Friendship
Card Type: Normal Spell
Card Number: JUMP-EN007
Set: Shonen Jump Promo
Attribute: Spell
Passcode: 81332143
Card Text: Offer your opponent a handshake. If they accept your handshake, each player's Life Points become half the combined Life Points of both players. If you have 'Unity' in your hand and show it to your opponent, they must accept the handshake.