X-Mite Anti-Allergen Moist Powder Carpet Cleaner
This 2-in-1 anti-allergen carpet cleaning treatment reduces allergens from dust mite waste, pet dander and other sources while cleaning the surface. Its special formulation contains tannic acid to neutralize environmental allergens and non-abrasive, sponge-like particles which contain a water-based cleaning solution to refresh pile fabrics. For optimum treatment benefits use X-Mite in conjunction with Allersearch ADS„ or ADMS„. Treatment: Sprinkle X-Mite evenly onto dry surface to be treated. Use a clean broom or a brush to work the powder into the surface. Allow X-Mite to remain on carpeting for approximately three hours for optimum effectiveness. Vacuum treated surface with a new vacuum bag to ensure untreated allergens are not transferred to the just treated surface. Re-treat surfaces every 90 days* to maintain deactivation. * For severe allergen concentration, it may be necessary to apply X-Mite more frequently