XLamp Cree XPE - Indus Star 3-Up Green High Power LED
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XLamp Cree XPE - Indus Star 3-Up Green High Power LED

The Green Cree XPE LEDs re-flowed in-series on a LuxDrivestar MCPCB. The Cree XLamp XP-E Star LED combines the proven lighting-class performance and reliability of the XLamp XR-E LED in a package with 80% smaller footprint. The XLamp XP-E LED continues Cree's history of innovation in LEDs for lighting applications with wide viewing angle, symmetrical package, unlimited floor life and electrically neutral thermal path. The XP-E LED is re-flowed onto the LuxDriveIndus Star board, which provides an easy to use XP-E LED that is electrically isolated. The hexagonal shape of the Indus Star makes it easy to connect and power in a closely packed arrangement for tight spacing and increased light output per unit area. Cree XLamp LEDs bring high performance and quality of light to a wide range of lighting applications, including color-changing, portable and personal, outdoor, indoor-directional, transportation, stage and studio, commercial and emergency-vehicle lighting.

  • TitleXLamp Cree XPE - Indus Star 3-Up Green High Power LED
  • BrandXLamp
  • ManufacturerCree
  • ProductGroupBISS