Wyndham's Daughter
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Wyndham's Daughter

Joyce Wyndham may be a daughter of wealth and privilege, but her heart yearns for a life of purpose and meaning. She cannot be content with a future of genteel tea parties and stately balls that her parents envision for her . . . nor can she ever accept the young man they want her to marry.

After attending a political meeting with a friend, Joyce€s mind is awakened to a cause she can embrace, and she€s ready to risk everything€"even her family€s rejection€"to follow her heart.

But making a difference in the world doesn€t come without sacrifice, and though she€s ready to defy her parents and strike out on her own, pampered Joyce is ill-equipped to make it alone in the world. Before long, she must examine her motivations€"as well as her soul€"if she is ever to make amends with the family she left behind.

This edition of the 1898 classic Christian novel includes a biography of the author.

  • TitleWyndham's Daughter
  • ManufacturerAnglocentria, Inc.
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-09-01T01:31:02.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook