Write Your Way Out of the Rat Race...And Step Into a Career You Love
Your boss is a tyrant, your coworkers are intolerable, and all you do every second between 9 am and 5 pm is dream of the day you can quit and do what you really love.
Or maybe you like your job okay, but have always dreamed of starting a freelance writing business.
Write Your Way Out of the Rat Race…And Step Into a Career You Love is an e-book that will help you make the leap from employee to successful freelance writer.
You’ll get 175 pages of information on how to prepare for and launch your freelance career—even while you work a 9-5 job. An expert writer and coach who made the leap in 1997 will show you how to:
* Know whether you’re really ready to become a freelance writer.
* Decide whether and how to tell your employer you’re writing on the side.
* Use the skills you already have from your day job to land your first freelance writing job.
* Save up enough money to work from home without going broke.
* Get psyched up to make the jump to self employment even if you’re afraid of rejection, failure, success, or whatever.
* Build a support team to help you through the transition.
* Find the time to write when you have a day gig and possibly a family.
* Break into the most common and lucrative forms of freelance writing, from copywriting to magazine writing to blogging.
* Write query letters, book proposals, and Letters of Introduction that get freelance jobs.
* Say sayonara to your job without burning bridges.
* …and more!
Write Your Way Out of the Rat Race...And Step Into a Career You Love also includes free bonus downloads that will fill in any holes in your learning, from thought leaders like Copyblogger, prolific author and former agent Jennifer Lawler, Bamidele Onibalusi of Writers in Charge, and more.
"Talk to just about any bigshot writer about how they got started, and you get the same story: months or years of beating their head against the wall, followed by a gradual process of finally “getting it†and their career taking off.
And in my opinion, nothing can change that. You can, however, speed up how fast you “get it.†“Write Your Way Out Of the Rat Race†will help you do that, giving you a blueprint of exactly what you need to do and when to make your dream a reality."
—Jon Morrow of BoostBlogTraffic.com
“Let's be honest: Quitting your day job to freelance full time can be terrifying stuff. Luckily, Linda Formichelli is here to make it all amazingly less so. Equal parts inspiring and practical, this is the book hopeful freelancers have been waiting for.â€
—Zachary Petit, Senior Managing Editor, Writer's Digest
"Too many writers waste their time living a 'feast or famine' lifestyle. They hold out for the big break, all the while spinning their wheels. In this book, Linda shows you a way out of the craziness so that you can live the dream of making a living as a writer. Read this book—and then read it again. You won't regret it."
—Jeff Goins, author of The In-Between