Write Short Kindle Books: A Self-Publishing Manifesto for Non-Fiction Authors (Indie Author Success Series Book 1)
Write SHORTER books. Write books FASTER. Write BETTER books. Write MORE books.
#1 Kindle Bestseller in Authorship, Writing Skills, and Business Writing - Jan. 2015!
The Kindle self-publishing revolution is here! Are you in?Why spin your wheels struggling to write bulky, bloated books the traditional publishing way when you can turbo-charge your Kindle author platform with greater freedom, flexibility, and chances for success?
This game-changing guide is for aspiring authors AND established publishing pros alike who want to shake-up their routine and embrace a powerful new approach to self-publishing non-fiction. Are you ready to
Write Short Kindle Books?
You'll learn:
- Why writing shorter Kindle books is the best approach for many non-fiction authors
- The benefits of boosting your volume with many shorter, high-quality books
- How to price your short ebooks for maximum success
- Ideal word counts for Kindle books
- How to break larger book ideas down into numerous smaller books
- How to brainstorm, outline, and write books faster and more efficiently
- How to save money on covers, editing, and Kindle book formatting
- Why building a team of Beta Readers is crucial
- How to bring your book from final draft to launch
- And much more!
Click on "Look Inside" to Learn More!