World Class Diversity Management: A Strategic Approach
Today€s competitive economic environment makes it necessary to access the most effective managerial philosophies possible€"this is as true for diversity management as it is for management in general.  It extends to both corporations with operations in multiple countries and those indirectly experiencing the impact of globalization. Even organizations that conduct business in only one country are finding that global interconnectedness, created through communications and technology, makes it difficult to avoid the influence of world dynamics in their industry and related sectors. It has become urgently important to possess awareness of €œbest in the world€ philosophies.
However, the field of diversity has not yet progressed towards a standard. We have neither established what €œworld class€ is, nor specified how it might be achieved. Until now. World-Class Diversity fosters ease of comparison, discussion and analysis across the globe and offers a process for addressing any diversity issue. Given the multiplicity of approaches to diversity around the globe, €œworld class€ status requires a process that can be adapted to any approach and used with any mixture. This book provides the blueprint to create an effective new approach, describing a common language for dialogue across countries. By creating a unified terminology and framework for implementation, World-Class Diversity Management aims to become the standard and foundational text for diversity managers across the globe.