Workoutz 10' Dual Pulling Strap Replacement Cord for Weighted Speed Sleds and Harness
A great tool for drag sled pulls, tire pulling, and partner assisted resistance drills. The spring clips hook into belts, harnesses, and other athletic devices. Made of heavy duty, non-stretch nylon material. Each nylon strap measures approximately 10 feet in length by 1 inch wide. Only one strap is needed for most applications. However, we include a second for added security and flexibility. We recommend ALWAYS using both straps when pulling. NOTE: We also sell an even heavier duty version of the dual pulling strap called the "Elite." See Amazon store. Never loop the straps around a tire. The friction will cause the webbing to wear down quickly. For tire pulls, it's best to loop a rope around the tire, or bolt an anchor to the tire so that the dual pulling straps can be properly secured without coming into contact with the ground surface.