Word 2013 Absolute Beginner's Guide
Make the most of Word 2013–without becoming a technical expert! This book is the fastest way to learn Word and use it quickly to prepare powerfully effective documents! Even if you’ve never used Word before, you’ll learn how to do what you want, one clear and easy step at a time. Word has never, ever been this simple!
Who knew how simple Word 2013 could be?
This is the easiest, most practical beginner’s guide to using Microsoft’s incredibly powerful new Word 2013 word processing program…simple, reliable instructions for doing everything you really want to do! Here’s a small sample of what you’ll learn:
•  Navigate Word 2013’s updated interface and make the most of the Ribbon, Quick Access toolbar, and other handy tools
•  Quickly develop any document, from reports to résumés, brochures to calendars–even web pages
•  Control margins, indents, alignment, columns, and spacing
•  Improve document appearance with themes and style sets
•  Organize and present data attractively with Word tables and charts
•  Build professional-quality visuals with SmartArt and WordArt
•  Use images from multiple sources, including screen captures and Bing Image Search
•  Master long documents, tables of contents, cross-references, and footnotes
•  Collaborate with others using Word’s tracking and revision tools
•  Easily create personalized mailings and email
•  And much more…