WildFly Administration Guide
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WildFly Administration Guide

This book cov­ers all details on admin­is­tra­tion and man­age­ment aspect of this new excit­ing ver­sion of WildFly Appli­ca­tion Server. Focus­ing exclu­sively on the man­age­ment instru­ments of the appli­ca­tion server, the book takes you through all of the lat­est archi­tec­tural and per­for­mance changes. You’ll progress from basic server con­fig­u­ra­tion to more advanced tech­niques for clus­ter­ing, JDBC con­nec­tiv­ity, log­ging, and much more.


What you will learn from this book:

-How to install the appli­ca­tion server on Win­dows and Unix/​Linux sys­tems includ­ing details for installing it as a service
-Steps for pack­ag­ing and deploy­ing web applications
-Con­fig­ur­ing the ser­vices stack, includ­ing the new Under­tow Web subsystem
-Deploy­ing Wild­fly 8 with the Apache Web server and mod_​cluster
-Load bal­anc­ing and clus­ter­ing a farm of Wild­fly 8 servers
-Mon­i­tor­ing Wild­fly 8 servers in real-​time by tap­ping into inter­nally main­tained statistics
-Secure appli­ca­tions and encrypt their communication

Who this book is for
This book is especially suited for Java system administrators that are going to manage the new release of the application server. Developers, and application testers will be as well more productive after learning this book. Prior knowledge of the earlier version of the application server is not required, although that could make easier to understand some core concepts contained in this book.

Tha Author
Francesco Marchioni is an OpenGroup and Sun Certified Enterprise Architect employed in Rome for an IT Company. He has joined the JBoss community in early 2000 when the application server was a mere EJB container, running release 2.x.
He has worked on all the earlier versions of the JBoss application server envisioning many successful software migrations and integrations from vendor platforms to open source products and vice versa. 5 years ago he has started an IT portal focused on JBoss products (http://www.mastertheboss.com) which is pleased to serve an average of 8000 daily visits.
He has authored the following titles:
- JBoss AS 5 Development, Packt Publishing (December 2009)
- JBoss AS 5 Performance Tuning, Packt Publishing (December 2010)
- JBoss AS 7 Configuration, Deployment, and Administration, Packt Publishing (December 2011)
- Infinispan Data Grid Platform, Packt Publishing (June 2012) co-authored with Manik Surtani (Infinispan Project lead)
- JBoss AS 7 Development, Packt Publishing (June 2013)
- Enterprise Application Server CookBook, ItBuzzPress (September 2013)

  • TitleWildFly Administration Guide
  • ManufacturerItBuzzPress
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-01-02T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook