Why Does the Devil Desire to Damn You? And Other Sermons
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Why Does the Devil Desire to Damn You? And Other Sermons

In his foreword to this new collection of sermons, the author remarks that "There are those who deny the existence of a personal devil. Many ministers teach that Satan is only an influence, but the Word of God teaches clearly that there is a personal devil." It is with just such a personal devil that the Reverend Mr. Greene is here concerned. Only a personal devil could conceive a desire for the damnation of a human soul. His reason - the answer to the question of why the devil desires to damn you - is satanic indeed: to grieve and hurt God. Additional sermons go on to discuss at greater length some of the implications of the devil's desire to damn: in 'Word From Hell' the author gives the reader a personal testimony from a man engulfed in the flames of hell; "What's Worse Than Going To Hell?' asks a startling question, and provides a startling answer; Satan's fiendish methods are discussed in "Eight Ways the Devil Deceives"; and still other sermons offer Reverend Greene's unique insights into such important subjects as Victory, Demons and Death. Here is a volume which should be read by those who truly desire to know the truth about the devil, for if in Christ "we are not ignorant of his devices" (II Cor. 2:11), we need not fear that Satan will triumph over us.

  • TitleWhy Does the Devil Desire to Damn You? And Other Sermons
  • ManufacturerThe Gospel Hour
  • BindingHardcover
  • ProductGroupBook
  • FormatPrint