Where is the Love?: How language can reorient us back to love's purpose
Where is the love? How Language Can Reorient Us Back to Love’s Purpose is a linguistic examination of the word "love" in Indo-European and African languages. This text essentially asks the question, "How does our understanding of the word love, linguistically, affect our application of the concept in our everyday lives (in intimate and communal relationships)?" We further ask, "Does this word have an African origin, and if so, are there any differences in their meanings?" How are these differences, if any, translated into experience in their respective locations? The bigger question we are asking is, "How does language shape human behavior using the concept of love as research focus?" After a successful linguistic exploration, we then identify ways in which our new found knowledge can help the African/African-American community in very practical ways. This research argues that without a proper understanding of love, no society can have a strong and healthy culture, political system, or business economy. Civilization, and even the universe itself, is built on the principle of love and in order for the African-World community to restore its harmonic wealth (intellectual, spiritual, relational, financial, and physical) it must reacquaint itself with the African concept of love.