What Is God, And How Does It Work?: A Call for Honesty about Reality and Religion
This is the book I have always wished someone else would write. But they didn€t, so here we are, asking the tough, awkward questions I lacked the raw, honest courage to ask for so long. At one point in our lives we begin to realize the reason some of the things we have been taught don€t seem to make sense is simply because they DON€T make sense. We are entering a new age, an age of brutal honesty and reform. Unlike many of our predecessors, religion-based fear and nostalgic social loyalty to inherited doctrines are no longer factors in our exploration and discovery process, and there are no subjects off limits. Our greatest fear of truth is not that it might lead us to strange, new, unfamiliar places, but that it may lead us to where our hearts kind of always thought it would - to a place so much simpler and effortless. Come with me. Let€s explore our honesty together€¦