Webcam Cover (Includes 17 Web Camera Lens Covers) - camJAMR Basic Pack
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Webcam Cover (Includes 17 Web Camera Lens Covers) - camJAMR Basic Pack

What is a camJAMR Webcam Cover?

€ Our product is Sleek, Discreet, and Thin, each pack is the size of a business card and .0035" thick (.0889mm)
€ It is easily Removable and Reusable.
€ It is Durable and Safe.
€ Fits Laptops, iPads, iPhones, Computers, TV's, Xbox One, Amazon Kindle and more.
€ It's NOT some ordinary sticker.
€ Each pack includes 17 varying sized webcam lens covers to fit all devices.


€ Web enabled cameras ("webcams") can be hacked into, allowing cyber criminals to watch you in the privacy of your home/bedroom. camJAMR webcam covers are 100% effective at preventing un-authorized webcam access.


€ Protect yourself from cyber spies and criminals by covering your web camera(s).
€ Protect yourself from "Sextortion" as seen in recent Miss Teen USA news story.
€ Protect your kids from predators that could be spying on them in the privacy of your home.

Online Security Tips:

€ Cover Your Webcam Lens With a camJAMR webcam cover/sticker.
€ Don't Use Sticky Notes To Cover Your Web Camera: They Fall Off After A Short Period Of Time.
€ Don't Use Tape To Cover Your Web Camera: It Can Damage Your Web Camera Lens, or Leave Reside Behind.

Pack Directions:

1. Clean area around your webcam lens.
2. Bend back the tab (on the top) of the camJAMR until it lays flat
3. Grab camJAMR tab and remove camJAMR webcam cover from the pack.
4. Gently place camJAMR over webcam lens, leaving the tab slightly lifted.
5. You are now protected.

To remove or reposition your camJAMR, simply grab the tab, then stick it to the side of your webcam lens. You can also stick the camJAMR back onto the original pack. Note: Do not stick your camJAMR webcam cover to a dirty surface.

  • TitleWebcam Cover (Includes 17 Web Camera Lens Covers) - camJAMR Basic Pack
  • BrandcamJAMR Webcam Covers
  • ManufacturercamJAMR Webcam Covers
  • ProductGroupBISS
  • ModelCJBP001