Weapons of Cash Destruction: Protect Your Fortune from Fraud!
1 man with a briefcase can steal more than 10 men with guns!
You've worked hard for what you've achieved. Don't let some lowlife suit or sweet talking blouse rip you off! Weapons of Cash Destruction will sharpen your inner Bull-dust Detector against fraud.
This book will tell you what your Financial Advisor won't.
You will discover:
*What makes you a target
*What to do about it
*How to move past it
*How to spot Fraud Warning Signals in finance and romance before it's too late!
GOOD opportunities because you are not distracted by BAD ones!
Written by inspiring speaker Trish Jenkins, who was a multi-millionaire before being unwittingly caught up in a fraud, breached the Corporations Act, lost everything and spent 8 months in PRISON!
Refusing to remain a victim, Trish vowed to overcome and educate others on how to spot fraud.
From the author of "Treasures of Darkness - A Prison Journey" and "Dangerous Wealth - What Every Successful Woman Needs to Know to Avoid Being Ripped Off!"
Weapons of Cash Destruction is the "gender neutral" version of "Dangerous Wealth."