Watts Power White 22% Teeth Whitening Gel Refill Sets - Sensitive Formula - 2 Sets
Join the millions that have a whiter smile thanks to Watts Power White. Many will see a difference in as little as 1, 30 minute or less application... This gel is formulated to store in the refrigerator for touch ups for up to 2 1/2 years. Whiten your teeth in half the time at home with this Watts Power optimized sensitive teeth formula. 5-10 Shades Whiter in less than 20 days, simply wear 15 minutes longer than the stronger gels. 30 minutes or less per application. See the difference after just on application. Professional quality sensitive formula 22% carbamide peroxide gel. Formulated with 100-percent pure formula -- no fillers or additives used. Optimized pH formula for higher whitening performance and little or no sensitivity. Kosher USP glycerin (no animal by-products) Includes: 2 - Huge 10ml syringes (Up to 40 treatments) filled with Watts Power 22-percent bleaching gel, 2 Free FCP remineralizing gel to revitalize teeth after bleaching and complete instructions...