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"Well written - if this is your kind of adult reading, then this series of books is probably the best." - A recent Amazon.co.uk review of Waterlines series.

These two stories are for adult readers and contain elements which some people may find offensive. If you aren't interested in watersports, or aren't curious about the fetish, don't buy or read this book.

Pictures of Janet:
Alan is among a group of young soldiers - male and female - who are fresh out of basic training and on a course learning office skills. Janet, one of the other students, wants to take advantage of his camera and his flair for photography by creating a portfolio of erotic pictures.
Alan agrees to help her and Janet provides him with some sexy surprises which challenge his self-control.
But Janet might not be quite all that she seems....
(5000 words)

A Train Ride With Lorna
Alan is returning home from an army skiing trip in Bavaria when he meets Lorna on an overnight train journey. Lorna has experience in a sexual fetish and, in the train toilet, she uses her talents to transport him to thrilling places he hasn't visited before.
Will Alan ever see her again? And under what circumstances?
(4320 words)


The next day was Friday, and all the students were talking about how they intended to spend the weekend. Two of them came from towns a few miles away, and would be visiting their families. When the course was over, we were warned that we might be sent abroad and would not have the opportunity to see close friends and relatives for many months. Accordingly, we were eager to take advantage of the weekends to get away from the barracks.
This Saturday was an exception in my case. Janet had given me an invitation that I couldn€t refuse.
I waited for her at the appointed place, five minutes before the time she had stipulated. I had checked and rechecked my camera; nothing should be allowed to go wrong this afternoon.
As soon as I saw her approach, in a short red dress, heels and sunglasses, my heart skipped a beat. I hadn€t seen her out of uniform before, and she had let her long, blonde hair down. This girl was something else, I thought.
€œGot your camera?€ she smiled. €œGood. Let€s go.€
We walked out of the camp and down the country road. €œWhere had you in mind?€
€œThere are some nice places five minutes€ walk from here. You€ll see.€
€œI have to ask... why do you want to do this?€ I spent much of the previous evening speculating on her motive for inviting me out on a photo-shoot with her.
€œI wondered when you were going to ask me that,€ she smiled. €œNow let€s get this straight. This isn€t a date. You€re going to take some pictures of me. You can look, but not touch. And, when we€re finished, everything you take today is my property, although you€re welcome to keep a copy of whatever you want for your own... personal gratification. Is that a deal?€
I should have asked much earlier. I felt as if I had been manipulated, but it was too late now. I wanted to see more of her body.
€œAll right,€ I agreed, with some reluctance.

  • TitleWaterlines
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2012-04-05T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook