WaterCop Classic Motorized Actuator W/.75 Lead Free Water Valve
Electric Valve Actuator with 3/4 Inch Lead Free Water Valve Shuts Off Water Fast Water Cop automatic water valve shut off device with 3/4 inch ball valve meets all USA state lead free water valve standards: shut off the main water valve instantly by pushing the red button. The green button instantly turns water on. Add to this WaterCop electric valve by placing Water Hound moisture sensors (purchase separately) near or under water using appliances like dishwashers, washing machines, etc. You'll hear the beeping sound of the sensor near the appliance and know you've got a problem because you'll have no water! Note: Low lead or no lead water valve standards apply everywhere as of January 2014. Fully automatic, runs on electricity. No need to purchase batteries. This Water Cop system includes a 3/4 inch brass ball valve that meets the low lead standards and the motorized actuator with a security system alarm interface. Turn water on by pushing the green button. The Water Cophas a built-in I/O port with RJ45 connection. No Water Hound moisture sensors are included. Watercop moisture sensors and low temperature sensors sold separately. Low voltage interface terminal direct wires to home security alarm system or home automation control panel. For security systems with auxiliary outputs, contact security system dealer/installer for interface installation. 5 VDC output available from the WaterCop. Information about the Low Lead Standards: Lead Free NSF61G refers to the wetted surface of pipe, fittings and fixtures in potable water systems that have a weighted average lead content = 0.25% Source: California Health & Safety Code (116875); Vermont Act 193. California Assembly Bill 1953 and Vermont Act 193 reduced the amount of lead in specific plumbing fixtures from its current amount of no more than 8% to a new standard not to exceed 0.25%. All fifty states must comply with this NEW 0.25% requirement by January 4, 2014.