WHICH WAY OUT? - Orient Map + Magnetic Bearings (Professional Land Navigation Series 6)
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WHICH WAY OUT? - Orient Map + Magnetic Bearings (Professional Land Navigation Series 6)

The methods used in this eBook series have been “tested” in the field with many students. Students taking courses with the author of this eBook series had to be BLIND FOLDED and taken into an UNKNOWN location. They were given several topographic maps. They had to identify the correct 1:50,000 scale topographic map and locate where they were (using the techniques we will discuss in the Advanced eBook). After this they had to find many points in the field (which were NOT obvious – with flags or markers that most courses utilize), that were on small wooden markers placed high off the ground on a tree. They were not obvious at all. They had to “know where they were” in order to spot them. In order to pass the course, they had to know where they were and find all the points in a specified time period. Many points were several grid squares apart. The course was extremely challenging, but “exciting”. These methods are what you will be given in this eBook series to help you become a Professional Land Navigator. All of the eBooks together will be much more comprehensive than buying one text on the subject. A very small price to pay!!

This eBook is about orienting your map and magnetic bearings. We will cover the three important features of a bearing and the two important tasks for taking a magnetic bearing.

  • TitleWHICH WAY OUT? - Orient Map + Magnetic Bearings (Professional Land Navigation Series 6)
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-07-01T20:00:42.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook