W-2000A WattStopper 360 Degree Ultrasonic Motion Ceiling Occupancy Sensor, 24V Watt Stopper
Watt Stopper Ultrasonic Sensors are 24VDC switching devices that automatically switch lighting and HVAC systems off when no motion is sensed over a given time period. They sense when an area is occupied and turn lights back on again. Watt Stopper ultrasonic occupancy sensors use the doppler shift principle to detect occupancy. Motion in the controlled area causes a slight change in the reflected frequency and amplitude of the broadcast ultrasonic waves. Watt Stopper sensors then control lighting systems through Watt Stopper power and auxiliary relay packs. Placement of the sensor is critical for proper operation. Watt Stopper sensors are volumetric sensors and sense motion in a 360 degree pattern. It is best to place the sensor so that it has a clear view of all the desktops or work surfaces within the coverage area. Also, ultrasonic sensors may false-trigger when confronted by high volumes of air flow. Sensors should be installed at least four feet from most supply ducts and a minimum of six feet from horizontal discharge ducts. In addition, do not mount sensor within 6" of power pack. Always mount the sensor on a rigid, vibration-free surface. When positioning the sensor make sure the receiver is aimed away from nearest wall and toward area to be covered.