Viewsonics Professional Grade Lightning Surge Protector
Will this hurt my TV signal? NO.
Is it easy to install? YES.
Compatible with Satellite (DISH)? NO.
Why take a chance on losing expensive equipment in your home due to a voltage surge or a lightning strike? This Ground Block/Surge protector will stop outside surges and lightning from damaging your expensive equipment.
Viewsonics (now a division of Emerson Network Power) is a well respected supplier of equipment to the cable TV industry for over 25 years. The products manufactured by Viewsonics are cable company approved, and in use throughout the country. Don't take a chance on letting your equipment get zapped. Invest in a well respected - BRAND NAME product, not a no-name cheapie!
Basic specifications:
Frequency Range 5-1000 MHz
Insertion Loss <1dB
Return Loss >18dB
Surge Current (10 operations - 8/20µS 10,000 Amps
Capacitance 2 pF max.
Impedance Match 75 Ohms