Vengeance Performance Memory Kit
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Vengeance Performance Memory Kit

Corsair built its reputation on performance memory that shines in the most demanding computing situations: extreme gaming and high-transaction processing environments. But not all computers are put to such extreme usage. So we brought the same reliability, testing and Corsair quality to a line of memory designed to support standard computing situations such as popular office applications. Now it's one of our most popular memory lines. Backed with a lifetime warranty, it is memory you can rely on.This kit contains 204-pin DDR3 SODIMM memory modules. SODIMM motules are typically used on notebook and laptop PCs. If you have a desktop PC, your system might use DIMM memory, instead of SODIMM.Corsair also makes a complete line of SODIMM memory that's qualified at Apple Labs for Macs.
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  • TitleVengeance Performance Memory Kit
  • BrandCorsair
  • ManufacturerCorsair
  • BindingPersonal Computers
  • ProductGroupPersonal Computer
  • ItemPartNumberCMSO16GX3M2A1333C9
  • ModelCMSO16GX3M2A1333C9
  • ColorDDR3
  • Size16 GB
  • UnitCount1
  • UPCs843591020909
  • EANs0843591020909