Urban Survival Handbook: 23 Crucial Items You Need Inside Your Ultimate Bug Out Bag
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Urban Survival Handbook: 23 Crucial Items You Need Inside Your Ultimate Bug Out Bag

Be Ready and Prepared for Any Disaster

Tornadoes. Whirlwinds. Earthquakes. Volcanoes. Just some of what nature can throw at us and make us need to bug out of our homes. Fast.

It is an unfortunate but true enough event that sometimes people have to abandon their homes for short periods before they are allowed to return. The most frequent reason for such an incident is a natural disaster like a tornado, a whirlwind, an earthquake, or a flood. At least these are the reasons of a nonpermanent nature that allow the inhabitants of a house to return after the emergency has passed.

If and when something like this befalls you, you should be prepared. Especially if you live in an area where such phenomena are likely to occur and there is historical evidence that they have. In Japan, for example, it is mandatory for the people to sleep with a whistle blower within arm's reach to notify rescue personnel in case of an earthquake. For the same reason, there is a class in school teaching the children what to do.

The Ultimate 72-Hour Disaster Survival Kit

It all begins with the choice of container, which greatly depends upon your load-carrying capabilities, as it would rather be impossible to use a vehicle to evacuate in an emergency. It continues with the essential items like the first-aid kit, the means to light a fire, the means to have lighting when it gets dark, and the means to be able to provide nourishment for yourself and your family, along with the necessary paperwork (maps, identification papers, survival manuals etc.) and a few not as essential but extremely useful items you should carry along if you have such capability.

Since there is no such class in Western schools, it is imperative that books like this are written to introduce people to concepts that can help them survive disasters whether they have been informed about them in advance or not.

  • AuthorUrban Survival Handbook
  • BindingAudible Audio Edition
  • FormatUnabridged
  • IsAdultProduct
  • LabelJeffrey Ito
  • ManufacturerJeffrey Ito
  • ProductGroupAudible
  • PublicationDate2015-04-22
  • PublisherJeffrey Ito
  • StudioJeffrey Ito
  • TitleUrban Survival Handbook: 23 Crucial Items You Need Inside Your Ultimate Bug Out Bag