Untamable God: Encountering the One Who Is Bigger, Better, and More Dangerous Than You Could Possibly Imagine
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Untamable God: Encountering the One Who Is Bigger, Better, and More Dangerous Than You Could Possibly Imagine

Is it possible that your view of God is too small? Too safe? Too tame? Too comfortable? Is it possible that you have settled for a low, uninspiring, limited view of God? Is it possible that your passion for God suffers because your vision of God suffers?

In Untamable God, Stephen Altrogge brings us face to face with the magnificent, awe-inspiring, beautiful, terrifying, wonderful God of the Bible. In his personal, intimate, engaging, humorous style, Altrogge takes us on a journey through God's word, bringing us into close contact with the God of sharp edges and brilliant light. Altrogge introduces afresh to the untamable God of the Bible.



I commend this book to you because my heart burned as I read it. It did what the best books do; it drew me out of my sin-distorted, self-consumed, stiflingly miniscule world and showed me real, expansive, soul-nourishing glory. It helped me see God. It led me to worship and stirred my longing to worship deeper. Read it. And make sure you don’t stop till you’ve read through chapter four, which alone makes this book worth more than its weight in gold.

- Jon Bloom, President of Desiring God Ministries

Stephen Altrogge tackles an important subject in this book: Our penchant for creating God in our own safe, suburban, agreeable, do-nothing, offend-nobody image. Altrogge shreds that in the very first chapter, and it needed to be shredded. But then he points us to the greatness of a big, powerful, wrathful, just, dangerous, and loving God - exactly the kind of God I want and need to worship.

- Ted Kluck, award-winning author of 'Why We Love the Church' and 'Robert Griffin III: Athlete, Leader, Believer.'

Do you ever feel like it was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away that you enjoyed the grandeur and sheer awe-fullness of God? Untameable God is a candid call to any who would be a jolly beggar of grace to worship the One who is thrice holy. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and look forward to recommending it to others.

- Gloria Furman, author of 'Glimpses of Grace' and 'Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full'

Have we tamed God? Put Him in a box? Stephen Altrogge thinks so and he is right. In Untamable God, Stephen Altrogge writes about the God who is relentless in His love, relentless in His wrath, and just how much we have minimized both. Untamable is a modern day book about the attributes of God, depravity of man, and Cross that reconciles us to our Creator. Altrogge beckons us to come and know God as He is, the great I Am, the untamable God, the God of the Bible. This is the God I want and desire to know.

– Trillia Newbell, author of United: Captured by God’s Vision for Diversity

He is not safe, but he is good." C.S. Lewis' words permeate every page of Stephen Altrogge's new book, Untameable God, as he confronts and corrects our constant attempts to reimagine the God of the Bible into some damnably "safe" cheap substitute. Jesus isn't safe—but he is good, and that is such good news for weary sinners. Read this book and rejoice!

- Aaron Armstrong, author of 'Contend' and 'Awaiting a Savior'; blogger at Blogging Theologically

Untamable God is a raw, potent and timely look at the distinct "otherness" of God. Stephen reminds us of who God is, why He's not like us and what our response, as tamable, fallible creatures, should be. Never more needed.

- Ronnie Martin - lead pastor of Substance Church and author of 'Finding God in the Dark'

In Untamable God, Stephen Altrogge exposes the tidy, sanitized, impotent “god” of this age, showing him to be far less than the one true God of biblical Christianity.

Altrogge sheds light on who God is by showing – with generous helpings from Scripture -- who God is not. He does so in irresistibly catchy chapters like “The God Who Makes Us Feel Warm And Fuzzy,” “The God Who Loves Whores,” and “The God Who Is Not Impressed.”

- Bobby Gilles

  • TitleUntamable God: Encountering the One Who Is Bigger, Better, and More Dangerous Than You Could Possibly Imagine
  • ManufacturerBlazing Center Books
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-01-03T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook