Unprotected: A Campus Psychiatrist Reveals How Political Correctness in Her Profession Endangers Every Student
A courageous therapist blows the whistle on her profession
Our campuses are steeped in political correctness—that’s hardly news to anyone. But no one realizes that radical social agendas have also taken over campus health and counseling centers, with dire consequences.
Dr. Anonymous—an Ivy League–educated psychiatrist—knows this better than anyone. She has treated more than 2,000 students at one of America’s most prestigious universities, and she's seen how the anything-goes, women-are-just-like-men, "safer-sex" agenda is actually making our sons and daughters sick.
Would she face retaliation if she objected, she wondered? Would she lose her job? After years of hesitation, she’s speaking up—on the condition that her publisher protect her anonymity.
In Unprotected, you will be shocked to learn:
* which popular Ivy League university’s health Web site gives a thumbs-up to risky, fringe behaviors such as sadomasochism, "swinging," and bestiality;
* that there’s proof that most therapists ignore the significant health benefits of church attendance and religious observance, and are actually prejudiced against people of faith;
* why campus health centers hound students to stop smoking, eat right, get enough sleep, and wear sunscreen, but tacitly approve of promiscuity and whitewash the consequences of sexually transmitted infections and abortion;
* how HIV education is distorted, and what that does both to students at no risk for infection, and those who are.
Everyone is disturbed about the epidemics on college campuses of sexually transmitted diseases, depression, eating disorders, and suicidal behavior. Dr Anonymous takes issue with the experts who suggest that these problems can be solved with free condoms and Zoloft. What campus counselors and health providers must do, she argues, is tell uncomfortable, politically incorrect truths, especially to young patients in their most vulnerable and confused moments. Instead of platitudes and misinformation, it’s time to offer them real protection.