Unexpected Wife
Having committed a murder, Ainsley McCullough is on the run to escape the law, desperate and ready to throw in the towel. When she stumbles across and abandoned farm house in an obscure town she thinks she’s found her salvation. Knowing she has to blend in, to become a true member of the town, she does the only thing she can of—she claims to be home owner’s fiancé.
An ex-con falsely accused of a crime, Braedan O’Connor has spent the past year in jail. Anxious to get home and start his life over, he’s surprised to find his home inhabited by a rather delectable woman.
Ainsley hadn’t expected to get caught in the man’s home. Face to face with the handsome stranger, one who makes her senses come alive, she isn’t sure what to expect. Knowing he was in jail frightens her, but her hands aren’t exactly clean either. Just how far is Ainsley willing to take her charade?