Understanding Sexuality: The Mystery of Our Lost Identities
What is sex?
Is it a harmless source of fun and pleasure? A sinful, evil indulgence? Is the proper attitude toward sexuality casual and carefree, or cautious and serious? Is the real basis of sexuality a natural, physical "animal instinct," - or something of a deeper nature?
Almost no one is free of sexual conflict. Few people understand the roots of this conflict . . . let alone the cure.
What is the truth behind this vital topic? Is the answer repression, or promiscuity . . . or neither? Few subjects dominate our lives the way sexuality does, and few subjects are the source of so much confusion, disagreement, and suffering.
What is really going on between men and women? What lies at the root of the tension, conflict, and even violence between the sexes? What is the secret of a happy marriage, and what are the reasons for divorce? Is a relationship, free of conflict and full of love, possible?
Roy Masters, in this searingly insightful work, lays bare the underlying dynamics of one of the most vital topics of all.