Under the Bell Curve: Random Essays from a Mensa® Member
Have you ever... - cruised in a towboat towing barges down the Ohio River? - visited crop circles? - attended a live sex show in Amsterdam? - been in an emergency landing in a commercial airliner? - interacted with a serial rapist at his desolate hunting grounds? - been moments away from eating feces-infused pancakes? - waded naked, thigh-deep in a lake infested with water moccasins? - had Kris Kristofferson flirt with you? - drunk wine that had a dead cobra in the bottle? - been lost and alone in a dark Bangkok alley? - rolled down a mountain backwards in a hearse? - done what a bear does in the woods in someone's back yard in an Amazon River village? Teresa Fisher has done all of this and more. You'll have to read this book to find out the details.