Ultimate Pet Cockatiel Guide - Cockatiel Care & Training Made Easy
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Ultimate Pet Cockatiel Guide - Cockatiel Care & Training Made Easy

Who else wants to quickly and easily have the best behaved Cockatiel in town in less time that you thought possible? My ebook has been newly updated, July 2014.

* Have you just adopted a new cockatiel and have no idea how to care for or train him?

* Do you already own a cockatiel and because of his bad and annoying behavior, he has quickly owned you?

* Are you resorting to drastic measures to try to stop his screeching such as yelling at him, pounding on the cage or putting him in a closet?

* Are you about ready to give him away to the first taker because he won't obey you?

Here's the thing, there is no such thing as an untrainable cockatiel...

Believe it or not, cockatiels are very sociable birds, and they want nothing more than to interact and bond with you and form a loving relationship. And if you know how to tame and train them properly, they will live a long and healthy, happy life plus be one of the most amazing family pets.

From my experience of over 20 years of raising parakeets, finches and cockatiels, I have compiled nearly every bit of information you've ever wanted to know about raising, taming and training cockatiels, plus more...into an easy, downloadable guide called "The Ultimate Pet Cockatiel Guide."

Even if you're a total beginner and don't have a clue where to start, you can have your own cockatiel cage set up, be taming and training your cockatiel within hours!

There are essentially 4 main things you need to know about cockatiel care and training:

1. How to set up your cockatiel cage and equipment properly

2. How to tame your cockatiel so he comes to you willingly and happily

3. How to bond with your cockatiel by understanding his body language and forming trust

4. How to train your cockatiel to obey, speak or do tricks without coercion

"The Ultimate Pet Cockatiel Guide" (Newly updatd December 2012) has 54 pages and covers all of this and a lot more. And when you read it, you'll be blown away with how simple it really is to care for and train your cockatiel to be the happiest and best-behaved cockatiel in town.

Table of Contents:

-Cockatiel History

-Choosing the best Cockatiel

-Housing and Equipment

-Bringing Your cockatiel Home

-Cockatiel Diet and Nutrition

-Understanding Your Cockatiel

-Cockatiel Behavior Problems And Solutions

-Taming Your Cockatiel

-Cockatiel Health

-Breeding Cockatiels

-Varieties Of Cockatiels

  • AuthorShari Hickman
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • FormatKindle eBook
  • IsAdultProduct
  • NumberOfPages76
  • ProductGroupeBooks
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_EBOOKS
  • PublicationDate2011-07-07
  • ReleaseDate2011-07-07
  • TitleUltimate Pet Cockatiel Guide - Cockatiel Care & Training Made Easy