Ultimate Arms Gear Pro Stealth Black Universal Portable Mace Tear Gas Cannister Spray & Gloves Molded Protector Adjustable Nylon Pouch Carrier Gear Velcro Closure with Fixed Attachable Belt Velcro Hook & Loop Police - Law Enforcement - Security - Emergency Personal - Duty Belt Accessories
Brand New, Official Ultimate Arms Gear Pro Stealth Black Universal Portable Mace Tear Gas Cannister Spray & Gloves Molded Protector Adjustable Nylon Pouch Carrier Gear Velcro Closure with Fixed Attachable Belt Velcro Hook & Loop Police - Law Enforcement - Security - Emergency Personal - Duty Belt Accessories. High Grade Molded Construction with Rigid Shape & Great for Duty Belt with quick Attachmnet. Adjustable Sturdy Velcro Hook & Loop to attach to Duty Belt or Regular Standard 2" Belt Sizes. Provides a Snug Secure Carry for your Mace Tear Gas Cannister Spray & Gloves. A Reinforced Inner Shell Protects the Mace Tear Gas Cannister Spray & Gloves from Damage. Protective Pouch Holder features a Velcro Closure Top and Belt Loop Attachment. Constructed of High Quality Nylon.