US History for Adults: Greatest Hits: 47 Essential Stories in American History - A Brief Summary of US History for Beginners, Adults, or Teens (US History Primer - US History books)
Discover the Thrilling and Patriotic Stories of American History!
Now available in paperback! To buy paperback, click the paperback button above. American History never looked this good with US History€s Greatest Hits: 47 Stories in American History
Both riveting and historically accurate, in this collection of 47 cocktail-sized stories, you€ll find the greatest moments of American History told as the exciting, riveting, and at times heartbreaking stories they were meant to be.
These are the beloved stories of heroes, lovers, criminals, presidents, villains, rebels, athletes, spies, generals, betrayers, innovators, adventurers, millionaires, and even cannibals that make up the fascinating history of the United States!
In this collection, you€ll find American classics, such as: The Boston Massacre €“ the bloody event that inspired the colonists to revolt! The thrilling story of how Neil Armstrong saved Apollo 11 The scandal which forced an American President to resign The continental spy ring which exposed the most notorious betrayer in American history The infamous party of pioneers who were forced to eat their own to survive The 16-year-old girl whose midnight ride rivaled Paul Revere€s The story of how the humble hamburg steak became an icon of America Al Capone, the prohibition-era gangster who rose to the top and was celebrated by the public The missile crisis that took America to the brink of nuclear war The radio broadcast that sent America into panic The gripping battle that inspired Francis Scott Key to write €œThe Star-Spangled Banner€ These are the people and stories that changed the world and made America great today!
Do you know your US History? Don€t miss the stories that made America!
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