Tykesbykes Charger Kids Balance Bike, 12" Wheel, Blue
Designed for riders aged 2-5 years old, this bike is built from quality components for durability. The alloy frame and rims keeps the bike weight to less than 10lbs, ideal for young kids that want to handle their bike easily. The rear hand brake with child sized brake lever provides great stopping power. Designed with a low center of gravity, wide handlebars and premium tires, this bike has greater stability than most others. The seat has a built in grab handle for when your kid needs a little help. Minimum seat height is 12 inches. High grade paint is used on tykesbykes to ensure even with the roughest of wear, it will look good for longer. No flimsy sticky peeling off after a few days use. Since 2010 tykesbykes have focused on providing quality bikes that are cost-effective, safe and super cool to promote learning, fitness and family fun. An enjoyable "first ride" will encourage a lifetime of cycling and outdoor recreation.