Twins, Triplets, and More: From Pre-Birth Through High School - What Every Parent Needs To Know When Raising Two Or More
Twins and higher multiple births bring parents unique joys-and unique challenges. Dr. Elizabeth Bryan, founder of the Multiple Births Foundation, addresses everything the parents of multiple births need to know, from conception to adulthood. For example:
-The real difference among fraternal, identical, and "half-identical" siblings
-Naming-resisting the "John and Jane" urge
-Twin languages and their effect on speech development
-Treating multiples "equally" without homogenizing them
-How to ask for and manage help-all parents of multiples need it!
-Separation and independence: getting the right mix
The increased use of fertility drugs combined with the trend toward later motherhood has made multiple births more common than ever. In frank but reassuring language, Dr. Bryan guides parents through the inimitable journey of parenting twins, triplets, and more.