Treasures of the Sierras: The Yamashita Gold Loot: 60 Years After
Somewhere up in the Sierras, billions of dollars’ worth of gold bars, precious gems and stones and golden and jade Buddha statues together with priceless relics and five hundred years of antiquities lay undisturbed for more than sixty years after the Japanese Imperial Army hid them temporarily before World War II came to an end. Heralded as the biggest concentration of hidden wealth in these modern times and perceived to assist in the U.S. and Third World countries’ economic bailout, the treasures remain worthless in the hands of ordinary people and communist rebels who to this day do not know how to avail themselves of their benefits. Follow the trails of an adventurous and enterprising Filipina journalist who was able to penetrate the forbidding lairs of the New Peoples’ Army, the right-wing Lost Command and tribal leaders who have found these magnificent riches.