Travel Light, Travel Smart: Pack Less and See More of the World (A Minimalist Traveling Guide)
Amazon Best Seller in the Travel Tips Category!
A dedicated minimalist, Michael Haus has spent hours unearthing the tips in this book and condensing them down to its core. Don't let the brevity of this book, or your ability to speed read it, deter you from opening its pages. Packed with tips and tricks, this neatly organized book contains the info you need to travel light--or at the very minimum, reduce the size and number of suitcases you normally carry. Read inside Travel Light, Travel Smart:
- Ten Reasons for Traveling Light
- Travel Bag Tactics and Tips
- Cutting Down on Trip Clothing
- Protecting Your Documents
- Trimming Down Toiletries
- Traveling With Technology
- Fitting Things in Your Bag
- Traveling Light for Couples
Customer Reviews:
"I picked up several new product ideas that will lighten my load. Some really good tips for security I had not thought of. Well worth reading, I'm glad I did. Thank you sir for this valuable and easy to follow information!" - Moses
"This was filled with great tips for traveling. I got this book in hopes of receiving tips of living with less in general and I was not disappointed." - Annie Jean Brewer
Traveling light is simply a better, more hassle-free way to go. By traveling light you'll expend less energy and less time.
Read Travel Light, Travel Smart today and experience a more enjoyable style of travel in the future!This book is over 8400 words in length.