Thomas Stainless Steel Zahn Signature Viscosity Cup, #2 Size, 39 to 238 Poise Centistokes
Aluminum stand features rotating "lazy susan" style disc, with hooks that support five dip viscosity cups. Made of polished stainless steel. Looped handle and finger ring. Calibrated with Cannon viscosity standards traceable to NIST; Cannon standards are produced in accordance with ISO 90002. Each cup is furnished with the mathematical formula for calculating the viscosity in centistokes using efflux time measured, and with a table giving viscosity value calculated to the nearest 1/10 centistoke for each 1/10 second increment of efflux time. Overall length: 355 mm. Base: 5"diameter. Support shaft: 15". Overall height: 17". 39 to 238 poise centistokes range.