Theme Skills Tests, Teacher's Annotated Edition, Level 3 (Houghton Mifflin Reading)
Contents include author's introduction, features at a glance, using the theme skills test, purpose and description, administering the theme skills tests, using test results to plan for instruction, hought mifflin reading resources for reaching all learners, practice test, theme 1: off to adventure! sequence of events, making inferences, cause and effect, information and study skills, base words, syllabication, inflected endings, spelling, vocabular, grammar, writing skills, theme 2: celebrating traditions- author's viewpoint,categorize and classify, noting details, topic main ideas and supporting details, information and study skills, compound words, plural endings, contractions, plural endings, spelling, vocabular, grammar, writing skills, theme 3: incredible stories fantasy and realism, following directions, drawing conclusions, story structure, information, plural endings, word endings, suffixes, prefixes, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, writing skills theme 4:animal habitats fact and opinon, compare and contrast, making judgments, information and study skills, syllabication, word endings, prefixes and suffixes, spelling , vocabulary, grammar, writing skills, theme 5: voyagers making inferences, predicting outcomes, test irganization, information and study skills, suffixes, possessives, VCCV pattern, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, writing skills, theme 6:Smart Solutions problem solving and decision making, drawing conclusions, making generalizations, information and study sills, VCCCV pattern, VCV pattern, Contractions, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, writing skillss. This is the Theme Skills Tests Teacher's Annotated Edition, Houghton Mifflin Reading Series for Grade 3