The dynamic occlusal appliance (dental lab technology articles Book 7)
The dynamic occlusal appliance as per Forster/Christiansen presents a new, up to now unknown kind of occlusal appliance. After computer supported function diagnostics the goal is to allow a dynamic movement over the alignment from the present habitual intercuspitation position (HICP) to a defined therapeutical position of the condyles. Albert Forster describes the fabrication and impact of this occlusal appliance.
For the treatment of stomatognathic functional interferences, it is mostly occlusal appliances made of auto polymer that have proven to be effective. The use of these practical therapeutical devices is an economical, and most importantly, gentle method for the natural teeth to change the occlusion and consequently the mandibula position, specifically the condylar position, for the patient. Occlusal appliances should never create para-functions.
If the therapeutical objective allows, an occlusal appliance should ideally be integrated into the mandibula because mandibula appliances are less noticable when speaking and smiling and are therefore tolerated by the patient. The appliance has to have sufficient retention and an accurate and tension free fit and it needs to have a delicate design while keeping stability and occlusal function. The dynamic occlusal appliance by Forster/Christiansen presents a new kind of occlusal appliance. After computer supported function diagnostic and its analysis, the objective is a dynamic movement over the alignment from the present habitual intercuspitation position (HICP) to a defined therapeutical position of the condyles.
Please note: the HICP displays a poor position of the condyles. The therapeutical position is always reproducible and controllable online, as defined by a complete quality management system.
For working bases we use aligned maxilla and mandibula models in the condylar-position-variator "Variocomp", cast in an adjustable articulator (ex. SAM 3). For the articulator programming we refer to the dentist's records.
Keywords: CMD, function diagnosis, functional joint space, habitual intercuspitation, HIKP, occlusal appliance, appliance therapy