The Yith Cycle: Lovecraftian Tales of the Great Race and Time Travel (Call of Cthulhu Fiction)
The planet Yith is the home of the Great Race, a place inspiring H.P. Lovecraft and other authors to pen classic tales of travel through time and space. In "The Shadow Out of Time"; (here with new, purified text) there is implicit a very different view of Homo Sapiens' origins, derived directly from the modern mythology of the Theosophical Society. Lovecraft often mentioned Theosophy as a kind of foil and precedent for his own Mythos in his stories. This collection includes tales of Yith both famous and obscure, replete with time travel, mind-exchange, and thrilling vistas of primordial history set in context that enables new readers and long-time Lovecraftian fans alike to enjoy them.
Includes short stories by H.P. Lovecraft, August W. Derleth, Richard L. Tierney and many others.