The Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald: 45 Short Stories and Novels
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The Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald: 45 Short Stories and Novels

This title is a collection of 45 novels and short stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald. "The Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald" is properly formatted for the Kindle and includes an active table of contents with links to each chapter in every story. There is also a link back to the table of contents at the start of each chapter to make navigation of this huge title easier.

We also include an NCX table of contents which will allow you to navigate this huge Kindle title using the 5-Way Controller button so that you can skip from one story to another with just a click. Once reading a specific story, you can also use the 5-Way Controller button to move from one chapter to another within the same story.

Fitzgerald's short stories have themes that do not only relate to the problems and culture of the Jazz Age, but were also about the promises and despair encountered by the youth, as well as aging. Love and relationships between two mismatched or unlikely characters are common, such as people who are unlikely to develop a spark of romantic interest between each other.

The plots are usually set in the culture of the upper middle class and the elite, with characters either from this social group or aspiring to become part of it. Being inspired by the events that occurred during The Great Depression and the stock market crash, the stories also involve characters who lose wealth, but who are still trying to maintain their opulent lifestyle.

However, Fitzgerald's stories will remain relevant no matter which era the readers are born into, as finding true love and happiness despite the situation will always be a common part of the human experience.

Included in this book:


This Side of Paradise (1920)
The Beautiful and Damned (1922)

Short Stories:

The Mystery of the Raymond Mortgage (1909)
Reade, Substitute Right Half (1910)
A Debt of Honor (1910)
The Room with the Green Blinds (1911)
A Luckless Santa Claus (1912)
Pain and the Scientist (1913)
The Trail of the Duke (1913)
Shadow Laurels (1915)
The Ordeal (1915)
Little Minnie McCloskey: A story for girls (1916)
The old frontiersman: A story of the frontier (1916)
The diary of a sophomore (1917)
The prince of pests: A story of the war (1917)
Cedric the stoker (1917)
The Spire and the Gargoyle (1917)
Tarquin of Cheapside (1917)
Babes in the Woods (1917)
Sentiment—And the Use of Rouge (1917)
The Pierian Springs and the Last Straw (1917)
Porcelain and Pink (1920)
Head and Shoulders (1920)
Benediction (1920)
Dalyrimple Goes Wrong (1920)
Myra Meets His Family (1920)
Mister Icky (1920)
The Camel’s Back (1920)
Bernice Bobs Her Hair (1920)
The Ice Palace (1920)
The Offshore Pirate (1920)
The Cut-Glass Bowl (1920)
The Four Fists (1920)
The Smilers (1920)
May Day (1920)
The Jelly-Bean (1920)
The Lees of Happiness (1920)
Jemina (1921)
O Russet Witch! (1921)
Tarquin of Cheapside (1921)
The Popular Girl (1922)
Two for a Cent (1922)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (1922)
The Diamond as Big as the Ritz (1922)
Winter Dreams (1922)

  • AuthorF. Scott Fitzgerald
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • EISBN9781478220367
  • FormatKindle eBook
  • IsAdultProduct
  • LabelPalmera Publishing
  • ManufacturerPalmera Publishing
  • NumberOfPages802
  • ProductGroupeBooks
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_EBOOKS
  • PublicationDate2012-07-19
  • PublisherPalmera Publishing
  • ReleaseDate2012-07-19
  • StudioPalmera Publishing
  • TitleThe Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald: 45 Short Stories and Novels