The Vampire Diaries: Trust In Fire (Kindle Worlds) (In Time We Trust Trilogy Book 2)
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The Vampire Diaries: Trust In Fire (Kindle Worlds) (In Time We Trust Trilogy Book 2)

In Time We Trust Trilogy

Life is different for a vampire. Their uncounted days troop along until every novelty loses its flavor and the many cruelties of the world weigh ugly and deep on their memories. But sometimes, just when they think life has nothing more to teach them, they realize they have only seen the beginning of the design of their fate. And given time, beauty emerges from even the ugliest of circumstances.

In Time We Trust is a re-imagining of Season 5 without the tragic events of the finale: a fairy tale romance with the gritty edge of reality, spiced with sharp notes of humor amidst an adventure of screaming suspense.

Book 2: Trust In Fire

Damon finally has everything he€s ever wanted: Stefan is safe, Ric is alive, and Elena is back at his side. But the fragile peace in Mystic Falls is shattered when a mistake from the Salvatores€ past shows up and endangers what Damon prizes above all else: the love of his girl and the safety of his family.

He moves decisively to deal with the threat, but Elena€s reaction lets him know his problems are far from over. As he and Elena struggle to find balance together, Damon is drawn into his best friend€s fight for sanity, and when Ric asks him to do the unthinkable, he doesn€t dare refuse. In the midst of all this chaos, Damon is floored by the news that the vampire-hating Augustine Society is back and more powerful than ever.

He is terrified that his friends won€t stand a chance against the society€s army and when he€s proven right, none of them are prepared for the sacrifices they€ll have to make to escape with their lives.

  • AuthorMichelle Hazen
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • FormatKindle eBook
  • IsAdultProduct
  • LabelKindle Worlds
  • ManufacturerKindle Worlds
  • NumberOfPages417
  • ProductGroupeBooks
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_EBOOKS
  • PublicationDate2014-09-09
  • PublisherKindle Worlds
  • ReleaseDate2014-09-09
  • StudioKindle Worlds
  • TitleThe Vampire Diaries: Trust In Fire (Kindle Worlds) (In Time We Trust Trilogy Book 2)